Indy Legal Aid Programs
BY Plus
Indianapolis Legal Aid Society is partnering with several organizations in Indianapolis to provide services for the BY Plus program. Indiana is projected to have over 140,000 construction job openings by the year 2026. The BY Plus program trains applicants to be prepared and confident for a career in construction. Students in this program will be well informed of pathways for all aspects of construction and will be connected to employers and training centers that will provide them with a pathway to a career in construction. Students in BY Plus will also have the opportunity to receive paid work experience at a construction site one day a week throughout training. They will also have access to enhanced services, such as legal counseling, which the Indianapolis Legal Aid Society provides, transportation assistance, childcare, and other services designed to break roadblocks to successful employment.
Rebuilding through Education, Advocacy & Community Outreach Holistically
The REACH Program helps clients rebuild their lives through education, advocacy, and community outreach. Our holistic program focuses on the diverse needs of clients in the areas of family law, guardianships, housing, debt reduction, and end of life issues. Our program strives to remove barriers so that our clients can thrive in their families, neighborhoods, and communities.
Golden Advocacy Program
The Golden Advocacy Program is dedicated to providing senior citizens the opportunity to retain their independence through access to a unique combination of legal and social resources. This holistic program focuses its efforts on the many and varied legal problems of the elderly, including housing, financial exploitation, consumer protection, landlord/tenant matters, adult and child guardianships, and end-of-life issues.
Orville H. Copsey Safe Housing Initiative (Housing Initiative)
The Housing Initiative is an all-encompassing program to help senior and mentally and physically disabled adults remain in their homes. Indianapolis Legal Aid Society provides legal resolutions and obtains services to repair homes threatened with condemnation by the Marion County Health Department. These services strengthen neighborhoods and communities by keeping houses occupied, repaired, and on the tax rolls. The Housing Initiative is also included in the REACH and GAP Programs.

Re-Entry & Driver's License Reinstatement Program
When ex-offenders return to the community, they are often discriminated against because of their prior arrests and convictions. Indianapolis Legal Aid Society Re-Entry Program provides education, advocacy, legal advice, and representation to ex-offenders, thereby helping remove barriers to successful re-entry. For example, our attorneys help ex-offenders regain their driving privileges that are so important for employment, assistance with child support and visitation issues, and housing concerns, to name just a few.
Through close partnerships with the Marion County Prosecutor's Office and local programs like Back on My Feet, the Indianapolis Legal Aid Society has been able to provide specialized legal assistance to individuals seeking to regain their driver's licenses. In Marion County alone, nearly 100,000 individuals have their driver's license suspended. The need for this type of legal intervention is at an all-time high in the Indianapolis area. Indianapolis Legal Aid Society is poised to assist those low-income individuals in reclaiming their driving privileges.